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                40th Anniversary Championship Show
We held this special show at a lovely new venue in Lambourne , thank you to our host Hannah for inviting us.The weather was kind to us and thanks to the many of you who told us what an enjoyable  day you had and what a friendly atmosphere  there was - that is so important to us.Thanks must  go to our Judge Lorraine Priestley , our Steward Mary Fish , and our show photographer Leonarda  Pogodzinski 

Puppy Dog - no entries
Junior Dog - no entries
Novice  1 entry - 
1st Davis; Maplemead Marquis 
Post Grad no entries
Linit dog 2 entries
1st Penningtons Moorlander Guy Laroche
2nd Mckenzies Moorlander Dior
Open Dog - 2 entries
1st Howie/Emrys-Jones - Marksbury Malfoy
2nd Mckenzies Tessidez Bullen of Moorlander
Veteran dog - No entries
WT dog -No entries
Champion dog - No entries
Dog CC Moorlander Guy Laroche  

Res CC Marksbury Malfoy

Puppy Bitch - 2 entries
1st Watts Maplemead Miss Melba
2nd Davis Maplemead Marguerite
Junior Bitch 1 entered 1 absent
Novice Bitch  3 entries
1st Watts Maplemead Miss Melba
2nd Watts Maplemead Doris
3rd Watsons Marksbury Nightingale
Post grad bitch  1 entry
1st Watson & Lewis Kenyten Cinnamon Whiskey
Limit  3 entries 1 absent
1sy Howie & Emrys-jones’ Marksbury Mimosa
2nd Alfords Maplemead Mosaic
Open bitch 1 entered 1 absent
Veteran bitch 1 entry
1st Sutcliffes Sanft Jade
WT bitch 2 entries
1st Harringtons Moorlander Cacharel
2nd Sutcliffes  Sanft Jade
Champion bitch no entries
Brace 2 entries
1st Howies& Emrys-Jones
2nd Watts
Stud Dog 1 entry
1st Mckenzies Tessidez Bullen of Moorlander (with 3 offspring)

Bitch CC Moorlander Cacharel

Res CC Marksbury Mimosa
Best of Breed - Moorlander Cacharel

Best Puppy - Maplemead Miss Melba

Res Best puppy-Maplemead Marguerite

Committee members

Photo  D Dixon

Show critique

The draw for the Trials was held before judging 

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